Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ads: Jared and Derrick's Housecleaning Service

Twins Maid Service

Do your dishes need washing?
Do your floors need shining?
Do your gutters need clearing?
Call 1-800-TWINMAIDS


"Jared, why are we doing this, again?" Jared looked up at his brother; he didn't expect Derrick to forget so quickly.

"Derrick, do you want to go to Harvard?"

"Well, yeah."

"Ok, then you need to be able to pay for it, correct?"

"Yeah." Derrick sighed. Jared was really good with the condescending tone, and that irritated him to no end, but what could he do?

"Ok, then how can you make the money? First you need to find out what you're good at. What exactly are you good at?"

"Cleaning and schoolwork." Derrick sighed again. If he hadn't had such a crappy childhood with control freaks for a stepfather and stepbrother, then maybe he'd be better at more things. If it weren't for his twin, he had no idea how he'd have made it out.

"Why is that?" Jared asked.

"William's homework and Henry's - I mean, stepfather's housework."

"So what kind of job would you be good at? Just to get you started, before you get a Ph.D. in psych."

"Cleaning houses and, slash or, tutoring."

"Dude, you're talking in note-taking shorthand again."


"Anyway, do you have any other skills, Derrick?"

"That's why I'm going to Harvard, to learn more skills."

"Is that a no?"

"Yes, it's a no." The phone rang, "That's the business line, right?"

"Yep, what do I tell them, genius?"


Derrick and Jared walked down the road to their new client's house, pushing two wheelbarrows filled with cleaning supplies ahead of them. To look at them, it's near impossible to tell that they're brothers, let alone twins.

Derrick is seven feet tall with a set of long, toothpick-like arms and legs. He walks using his whole body, normally exaggerating how far his arms should sway in order to stay balanced. It doesn't always work, he often trips over his own size seventeen feet. His brown hair is kept trimmed, and blue eyes peer from behind wire-rimmed glasses.

Jared is five-foot-four, with fiery red hair and a face covered in freckles. His green eyes are usually bright, but they sometimes give a glimpse of the kind of life he's endured. He's more barrel-shaped where his brother is wiry.

The twins reached the front door of the estate that they were supposed to clean. It was a four-story house, with a weathered looking, previously whitewashed exterior. The hedges were overgrown, though one of them may have once been a topiary elephant. Or maybe a dragon. The windows were dirty, and looked like they had endured years of grubby little fingers pushing them open and closed. The doorknocker was shaped like a lion's head with a ring in his mouth, and Derrick knocked three times.

A young woman opened the door. She was taller than Jared, but shorter than Derrick, and had a clear porcelain complexion with short black hair in a bob. She looked down at Jared and up at Derrick, raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering about the whole "twin brother" thing, but shrugged and let them in, requesting that they leave the wheelbarrows outside. She brought them to the kitchen and disappeared up a staircase.

The kitchen was an absolute wreck. Dishes spilled onto the counter from the sink, food was rotting in the open fridge, the originally white marble tiles were covered in grease and grime, and that was just the beginning.

Derrick began working on the things his brother couldn't quite reach; scrubbing the uppermost cabinets and cleaning the ceiling fan, while Jared was busy with the floor. Derrick climbed down from the stool he was standing on and went to the bucket of soapy water near where Jared was working. He grabbed their only sponge and climbed back to his perch. Jared finished the square he was working on, "Only a hundred and twenty-nine left to go," he said, and reached for the sponge in the bucket.

"Hey Derrick," he called up, "Do you have the sponge?" Derrick, who had tossed it into the sink by this point, answered with a negative. "Any idea of where it went? It didn't just walk away."

"Try the sink, I tossed it in there." Oh, the sink... The dishes hadn't been washed in at least a month, and Jared didn't even want to look at it yet. He did look though, and he picked the sponge up when he noticed what was under it.

"...Derrick?" A hint of panic edged into Jared's tone.


"You threw the sponge on a freaking daddy long legs!" Jared flung the sponge back down and began to look for something to squish it with. He hated spiders above all other things and had a good reason too; his mother died from a brown recluse bite when he and Derrick were seven.

"Did you bring the bug spray?" Derrick was calmer about spiders; after some research he learned that if you don't mess with them, they usually don't mess with you.

"No! I'm not the Orkin guy!"

"Then squish it with something, jeez."

"Give me your shoe."


"Give me your friggen shoe!"

"No! Use your own shoe!"

"No! I don't want spider guts on my shoe!" At this point, the spider had some inkling of what was going on and crawled out the open window above the sink.

"I don't care, you're not using my shoe!"

"Then what am I supposed to use?"

"Your. Own. Shoe." Derrick emphasized, when he noticed that the woman who answered the door was standing in the doorway, giggling to herself. Jared followed his line of sight, saw her, and realized that he looked like a total wimp. He calmly went to the sink and was about to drown the spider when he realized that he had no idea where it went. Dread prickled inside his stomach and threatened to make him panic when he took three deep breaths, counted to ten, grabbed a pair of gloves, and started washing all the dishes.

"Die, spider, die..." He muttered to himself as he washed, mentally making sure that no spiders sneak up on him in nasty kitchen sinks again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crime Report: Benecio Wolf

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Blue sky, light, puffy clouds, wildflowers popping up everywhere. The city of Gala was enjoying the break from spring rains; people were getting their cars washed and their lawns mowed, children played softball.

Scarlett Hood was setting off on a road trip, but eyewitnesses say she stopped by her boyfriend, Benecio Wolfe's house to say goodbye. They had only been dating for a few weeks, but he convinced her to let him drive her to her destination; her grandmother's house.

Wolfe, now known for his homicidal tendencies, decided to try and kill the grandmother and Scarlett, but Mrs. Hood's gardener saved the both of them. Scarlett and her grandmother, though emotionally scarred, are otherwise unharmed. Wolfe, on the other hand, was not so fortunate. The gardener, an eighteen year old named Jonathon "Jack" Green, whacked him over the head with a shovel, and Wolfe died instantly.

By the Prince of Thieves


Scarlett used to be known for her shock of red hair and love of all flowers. She also loved her grandmother dearly, and always stopped to pick some wildflowers on the way there. Those fields are where she first met Benecio.

She had nearly the perfect bouquet, except it was missing something... When she saw the Black-Eyed Susans across the creek, she rolled up her pant legs, took her sandals off, and carefully tiptoed over the slippery, algae covered rocks. When she made it to the other side, flower basket in hand, she nearly tripped over a log that was hidden in the tall grasses and dropped the basket, scattering the blossoms. Quickly getting down on her hands and knees, she scooped as many as she could back into the basket when a head came up out of the reeds. A Black-Eyed Susan stuck over one ear, and his hand outstretched, offering her an Echinacea, he proceeded to speak.

Scarlett didn't understand a word.

Surely he was speaking English, and using normal vocabulary, but that voice... Such a voice! And those eyes, the exact same shade of shimmery gray-blue as the creek, she was sure of it. His charcoal black hair was short enough to stay out of his eyes, but long enough to conceal his one raised eyebrow.
Wait. Why has he quit using that velvety voice? And the eyebrow? What does that mean?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Obituaries: Ebony Black

Ebony Black (1990-2010) was killed on August sixth. Known for her sweet nature and easy toleration of her seven uncles, she will be dearly missed. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday; all are welcome except for her stepmother. A buffet will follow. Join us for the potluck, but don’t bring apples.


I heard a knock on the door of my uncle’s house. They warned me not to talk to strangers, but I looked through the peephole and saw an elderly woman. Her white hair looked vaguely wig-ish, but that could easily be attributed to many years of hair dye use and chlorinated pools. Other than that, she looked perfectly normal. …Then again, there were two other, perfectly normal looking elderly women who tried to kill me last week…

“I have lovely apples to sell,” she called through the door. Her voice was that of someone much younger than the eighty-something year old I saw, but I took another look. She had lifted up a basket of the prettiest apples I’ve ever seen, and my mouth started watering. Quickly, I swallowed, and opened the door.

“I- I don’t know that I should…” I said,

“What’s the matter? You don’t think they’re poisoned, do you?” Was it just me, or did her eyes glint a little bit at the word “poison”?

“Oh, of course not, it’s just, my uncles warned me not to- to…” I began, but the woman had cut one in half and started eating. It looked so good, the juice glistening in the afternoon sun… It was the perfect shade of rosy pink, too. Well, half of it was, but it looked gorgeous.

“Want the other half?” she asked, “This one’s free of charge.”

“Well… If you insist!” I took the part she offered me, it had that gorgeous rosy shade… Hers didn’t have any of that color, but that’s ok, maybe she just doesn’t care for pink.

I took a bite, and everything went black.